Late Saturday afternoon, the United States of America came within an inch of the unthinkable. Had the shooter been successful in his attempt to assassinate former President Trump, we would be living in a much different – and much darker – world today. Politics aside, every American should be thanking God today that President Trump (and our nation) dodged that bullet.
A time such as this calls for the kind of virtues – such as humility, courage, and wisdom – that are in short supply in our society. As Christians, we have a unique opportunity to model these virtues to the world around us. It’s in that spirit that I offer these brief thoughts:
1. Don’t Be Surprised
We should not be caught off-guard when godless people say and do godless things. As Christians, we know that this world is fallen, sinful, and evil. Jesus taught his disciples that his Kingdom is “not of this world” (John 18:36), and the Apostle John reminded the Church of this when he wrote:
– 1 John 2:16-17
Whenever Christians witness depravity on full display in this world, it’s normal for us to feel shocked and grieved – but we should never be surprised. This sort of tragedy is what unfolds in any society when its leaders and its people turn their eyes away from God and toward their own selfish desires.
There is still much that we don’t know about what happened on Saturday. I suspect we will see and hear more “breaking news” about the shooter’s motives and background and the highly suspect security failures at the campaign event, for example. I also expect we’ll see influencers in mainstream media and politics continue to dig in their heels and revert to more of the same angry, shallow, godless rhetoric they’ve spewed in the past.
Tensions will continue to increase, and the temperature will continue to rise. Of this we can be sure.
So what if, instead of getting sucked into the perpetual anxiety of the world around us, we chose to take up our crosses and follow Jesus? What if we walked daily in the blessed assurance of our salvation in Christ? What if, instead of reacting out of shock and anger, we took a breath, said a prayer, and weighed our words against the Gospel before speaking, texting, or posting online? What a lifeline that could be to a world on fire!
2. Don’t Be Afraid
It’s the most repeated phrase in the scriptures. Fear is a natural, physical response to scary times like these. But followers of Jesus should always remember how, through every war, famine, natural disaster, and religious persecution in Bible times, God ordered His people to be not afraid!
– Jesus, in John 16:33
Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
– Isaiah 41:10
How is it possible to be unafraid through scary, uncertain times such as these? Courage is the antidote. And for those who are in Christ, the source of our courage is the Holy Spirit dwelling in us. In our most desperate days, the Spirit of God helps us overcome our fear with divine power, love, and self-control (2 Timothy 1:7)
During times like these, I grieve and even pity people who do not have the Holy Spirit. I remember how it felt to live in this world without the Spirit: I was powerless, hateful, and out of control. Brothers and sisters, now more than ever, this is a time for us to let the Spirit of God fill us and flow through our words, actions, thoughts, and emotions!
– Romans 5:3-5
3. Don’t Be Like the World
Jesus called his followers to be like salt and light. Salt preserves and seasons dead flesh, and light illuminates and exposes dark places. That is our role in times like these. That means thinking, being, speaking, and acting in stark contrast to the world around us. When we’re surrounded by godless people who love to call out the sins of those on “the other side”, we choose to repent of our own sins first. And in a world that speaks the language of Left versus Right, WE SPEAK JESUS!
– Romans 12:2
If your friends, family, and followers on social media know more about your love for a politician than they know about your love for Jesus, it’s time to repent. And if they’ve heard you talk more about how much you despise people on the other side of the political aisle than about how much you hate your own sin, it’s time to make a change.
For you and me, as well as this country we love, there’s no time like the present to get on our knees, repent of our sin, and turn our eyes toward Jesus. May it be so today!