Want to learn more about how The Story can be part of life's big moments?

This page is home to all of our general church information, including important next steps if you're ready to dedicate your child or get baptized, join our church community as Partner, celebrate your wedding in our sanctuary, honor the life of a loved one, or join our team as a staff member!

Pastors & Staff

Check out our awesome Pastors & Staff team! This page also lists our current members of The Story's Board of Directors and Strategic Partnerships Team.
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We don’t have “members” at The Story; instead, we encourage people who love The Story to consider becoming Partners in ministry. Our Partners have made the conscious decision to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior, they’ve reviewed The Story’s mission, vision, beliefs, and partnership expectations, and they’ve committed themselves to ongoing discipleship and sacrificial service through this church. You can register to attend an upcoming Partnership Course, a three-week, pastor-led class, using the link below.

Get Baptized

Some of our most meaningful and sacred moments at The Story have been the baptisms and recommitments of hundreds of men, women, and children since The Story launched in 2015. The water of baptism represents God’s love that covers all our sins, and when someone is baptized, we proclaim that they belong to God and to the Body of Christ (the Church). At The Story, we take baptism seriously, and ask that you prepare for your (or your child’s) baptism by attending one of our regularly held baptism classes.

Weddings at The Story

Wedding ceremonies in the sanctuary are available to Partners of The Story and their immediate family members. Please use the button below to review our full guidelines, including all of our rules and regulations for the facility, and learn how to apply for a ceremony. The Story will be available to host weddings beginning in the spring of 2025.
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Funerals & Memorials

The Story Church is honored to help celebrate the life of your loved one and we offer our deepest condolences to you and your family in this time of grieving. Please review the requirements and information below prior to submitting your funeral or memorial service request. An application can also be found on the document below.
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If God has called you to serve His Church, and if your skills and calling match any of our job openings, we would love to hear from you! Check out our current job openings here, and take the time to read the entire job description and The Story’s Statement of Faith. Simply fill out the accompanying form and upload your resumé to apply. Please keep in mind that, due to the large number of applications that we typically receive, we will only contact qualified candidates for interviews.
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