Christmas is Coming

Glorious Rest

December 22, 2024  /  Eric Huffman
Among all the most influential people in history - great men like Napoleon, Shakespeare, Mohammed, and Alexander the Great - one man stands apart. Born to teenage parents two thousand years ago in a backwater province of Rome, Jesus of Nazareth somehow became the most significant person to ever walk the earth. His message has inspired the love and adoration of billions, and today, over two millennia after his birth, more people than ever still worship the name of this inconspicuous first-century carpenter who turned the world upside down. What makes his life story even more astonishing is the fact that it was foretold by ancient Hebrew prophets. Israel’s greatest prophet, Isaiah, announced Christ’s birth, life, death, and resurrection over seven hundred years before Jesus was born. Join The Story Church this Christmas season as we examine and celebrate the birth of Christ through the eyes of Isaiah.