Faith Under Fire: Turning Hostile Questions into Heartfelt Conversations
April 7, 2024 / Eric Huffman
Every great journey starts with a question. Whether it was flying men to the moon, exploring unknown worlds, abolishing slavery, or creating life-saving medicines, all our greatest achievements spawned from sincere human inquiry. And it’s no wonder, really; God created us with the capacity for reason and doubt on purpose.
Asking questions is an act of faith. Many people today are raising serious doubts about God, the Bible, and Christian beliefs. What if, instead of feeling threatened by our critics, Christians addressed the skeptic’s questions as the beginning of a potentially life-changing journey?
For the five weeks following Easter, The Story will wrestle with - and offer answers to - some of the most profound questions that people are asking about the Christian faith today. Through this series, both skeptics and believers will be encouraged to engage in deeper conversations about God.