Presents in Disguise: Unwrapping God's Unexpected Gifts

Presents in Disguise: Unwrapping God’s Unexpected Gifts

December 24, 2021  /  Eric Huffman
Children list everything they hope to receive, as parents hope to make their kids’ wishes come true. Hard-working people dream of December bonuses, while business owners pray for a holiday surge. Scattered families make plans to come together, to eat too much, and to avoid political conversations at all costs. This can only mean one thing: Christmas is almost here! If the Bible shows us anything about God, it’s that He loves a good surprise. Just ask Mary and Joseph! Some of God’s best gifts in Scripture came disguised as burdens, detours, and unwelcome news, and most of us have seen how the same is still true today. Most people think we know exactly what we want for Christmas, but what if God has something even better in store for you this year - something unexpected?